UNSURPASSED QUALITY AND SATISFACTION – AquaticLife manufactures an assortment of water filtration equipment. Every product that goes out the door meets our highest quality and standards.
REMOVES TDS IN WATER – When water passes through the RO membrane, it removes up to 98 percent of the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in water. The remaining TDS can be removed with a mixed bed resin.
EFFICIENT WATER FILTRATION - The TFC Membrane Filter is capable of eliminating potentially dangerous substances from your water up to 1/10,0000 of a micron.
LONG LIFE – The high-quality materials used in this reverse osmosis water filter membrane ensure a long two-year life depending on supply water quality. It’s spiral-wound and tape wrapped for durability.
SUITABLE FOR MOST RO/RODI UNITS – The 11-3/4" standard size replacement membrane filter fits most reverse osmosis water filtration systems, RO Buddie, AquaticLife Classic RO/DI and RO/RODI units in the market.